Thursday, October 25, 2012

I Have All I Need.

I read the following quote this morning:

"The things you take for granted someone else is praying for."

That really stopped me in my tracks.

I complain that my electric bill is so expensive when there are people living on the street without a home or in a drafty house without the comfort of AC and heat.

I fuss because I have to eat another peanut butter sandwich for lunch when there are people in this world that don't have enough food.

I worry about my financial situation every day and wonder how I'll ever have enough money to retire on when there are people in this world that truly labor until the day they die.

It's so easy to gripe and complain when I really am so fortunate.  It takes a reminder every once in a while to help me realize how blessed I am.

So now I'll eat my peanut butter sandwich, pay my electric bill and be thankful for what I have.

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