Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bookcase Re-Do

I decided the Brian Brown Bookcase needed a little something. Either paint on the inside back of the bookcase or something. Painting is easy, but what color? And once I paint it I'm stuck with that color.

So I I decided I'd put colored paper  or wrapping paper inside and see how that looked. I went to Hobby Lobby and there in the clearance aisle was scrapbook paper. I found some I liked and it was priced six sheets for a dollar! WOO HOO! I grabbed six and then decided to just grab the last two sheets in case I needed extra. $1.37 later I'm on my way home to re-do the bookcase.

I taped the paper in the back of each shelf and it looks like this.

 It's cute and it adds a lot to the look of the bookcase.

Here's what it looked like before:

But wait...there's a problem. I didn't have enough paper to finish the cabinet so it now looks like this:

Darn! So back to Hobby Lobby I go to see if there is any possibility that there are three more sheets of matching paper in the clearance aisle.

Alas...there were not, so I grabbed three sheets of similar paper and hope it will be okay. So what if it's a bit different, right?

I'll post another picture tomorrow for all the see. What do you think so far? 

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