Monday, September 16, 2013

Discussions with Daddy.

I took this photo of David and Ezra a few weeks ago.

It looks like David is telling Ezra something very important and Ezra is really listening. Taking it in. A serious discussion.

Something like: 

Ezra, make sure you study hard in school.

Or: Ezra, make sure you eat your vegetables and exercise everyday.

Or: Ezra, it's important to recycle and don't waste water. 

Or: Ezra, remember to respect other peoples' opinions, even if they don't agree with yours.

The first of many discussions these two will have over the years. 

These discussions will be David parenting Ezra to a happy, productive life.

My hope is that Ezra will always listen to David and the people who love him. 

But that may not always happen. 

After all, babies turn into teenagers and that's when they stop listening to their parents because they're old-fashioned or annoying. 

And they start listening to their friends who don't always give the best advice. After all, they're teenagers too. Rebellious and short-sighted.

Hard to picture Ezra as a teenager, but I'm sure he and David will have some tense times when he challenges his father. 

Just like how David challenged me when he was a teenager.

Meanwhile, David will plant the seeds for a healthy, responsible, respectful life he wants for his precious son.

Listen to your Daddy, Ezra.

He wants nothing but the best for you.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Go Red Raiders!

Josh sent me a photo of Jones Stadium yesterday during the game.

How much fun would it be to be 19 and attending a big college game on a Thursday night!

Texas Tech beat Texas Christian University 20 to 10. That makes it even more fun!

So happy Josh is enjoying the perks of attending a big school like Tech.

Go Red Raiders!