Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Tree and Her Boy

Josh was home for his birthday and I took some photos of him with his tree.

As I posted these photos I thought of the poem The Giving Tree, which I read to my children many times.

Once, there was a tree…
And she loved a little boy.
And every day the boy would come
And he would gather her leaves
And make them into crowns and play king of the forest.
He would climb up her trunk
And swing from her branches
And eat apples
And they would play hide-and-go-seek.
And when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade.
And the boy loved the tree… very much…
And the tree was happy.

Such a sweet poem.

Such a sweet boy.

The Baby Effect.

This is what happens to perfectly normal people in the presense of a baby named Ezra.

It's amazing what a cute baby can make you do.

York Avenue South

When I went to Minnesota last fall I took some photos of mom and dad's house.

That's what it will always be to me - mom and dad's house.

The bird bath and  feeder always make me think of dad and how much he loved the birds.

While I was there I threw lots of veggie scraps down in the ravine.

Also accidentally tossed the salad spinner down there too!

Managed to retrieve it without rolling all the way to the bottom.

What a beautiful home.

So many good memories.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby Girl.

A few weeks ago we celebrated Alexandra's birthday.

I decorated the room with bright colors and colorful lanterns.

So fun!

And made a delicous birthday cake with coconut cream cheese frosting.

Completely yummy.



Dear Alexandra,

Happy birthday to my sweet, precious child.

The day you were born I became a mother and it was the best thing that ever happened to me!

I watched you become a kind, intelligent, beautiful woman and I am so proud to be your mom!

Thank you for being who you are.

I love you,



Monday, April 15, 2013

Peanut and Baby E.

Took this photo of Alexandra and Ezra when she was home a few weeks ago.

Alex had a video playing for "Baby E", as she calls him. He was mesmerized.

Yesterday I was carrying Ezra in my room and stopped in front of a photo of Alex. Ezra smiled and started cooing at the photo.

I held him up in front of photos of David and Josh and he just stared.

I took him back to the one of Alex and he smiled and started "talking" to her.

I'm sure it's because the two of them have a special relationship.

I'm sure he knows he can count on his auntie to be there for him whenever he needs her.

Through thick and thin.

Peanut and Baby E.

Buddies for life.

A Little Before. And Some During.

Here's a photo of the bed I scored for zero dollars last week at a garage sale. That's right zero.

You can't get a better price than free.

I wasn't sure if it was an antique like the little table I got for a mere $15 at the same garage sale.

But when I got it home I looked at the back this is what I saw:

You can barely see the red stamp.

See the big W and the I-L-L-E-T-T?

Yep, it's another  piece of Willett furniture.

I haven't found a photo of this type of bed on-line, but I'm sure it's old. Like the little table. And sturdy.

I'm not really crazy about the style. A bit chunky for my liking, but it is solid maple.

I'll sand it down and then consider how to finish it.

Meanwhile, here's a photo of the little table so far.

Notice Jack had to photo bomb again.

I'm about a third of the way done with the sanding on this little cutie. I may just add a polyurethane finish to it. Not sure yet.

I hope to have an "after" post sometime soon. Unfortunately I have to go to work instead of re-finishing furniture all day.

Darn jobs...sigh.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Just An Old Wooden Bowl

This old wooden bowl was a Goodwill find.

Of course.

I love to keep it on the counter with fruit and veggies.

Nothing fancy about it.

And I love it that way.

It's a Willett.

I bought a little wooden table at a garage sale last week.

Turns out it's an antique.

It's a Willett.

Not sure what that means?

I didn't know either, but I've been doing a little research on it and found out it's a very nice piece of furniture.

Probably 80 years old.

Solid maple wood.

But what I really wish I knew was how did it end up in San Angelo?

Who owned this little table?

Did they know it was an antique?

Did their grandma own it?

Of course, I will never know.

All I know is I plan to sand it down and make it pretty again.

Do All Your Posts Have Photos of Ezra?

I imagine if someone besides family was reading this blog they might ask if all my posts are about or contain photos of Ezra.

Although it may appear to be the case, I do occasionally blog about other things.

But this little guy is so darn adorable, I just have to share his cute-ness.

An Old Highchair.

Ezra got to eat in the old highchair my children used.

Look at him sitting there like such a big boy.

This highchair was the best seat in the house for all of my children.

What a wonderful piece of furniture.

In the words of Martha's a good thing.

Of course Ezra has no idea he's sitting in a vintage highchair.

After all, his daddy used to eat pears and bananas in that very highchair.

Maybe I should write underneath the seat the names and years of all the children that have enjoyed a meal in the highchair.

Maybe one day Ezra's children will eat in the old highchair.

Sigh. It's a good thing.

Ezra's Buddy.

Ezra had a friend over to play yesterday.

That's his friend Haven.

Haven's a couple months older than Ezra.

He's a little cutie patootie. Just look at that hair!

 At one point Haven decided to pet Ezra.

Ezra wasn't sure about getting his head petted.

But most of the time it was just a lot of baby fun.

"Hey Ezra, how much fun is it to have a friend over for a visit?"

So much fun!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Lily.

I bought some lilies to decorate my house. I put them in a vase with some nice cool water and waited for the blooms to open.

And waited.

And waited.

I thought surely they would open for the party at my house, but when I went to bed that night after the party they were still closed tight.

Not sharing their beauty with anyone.

Easter morning I was up with the sun and when I opened the blinds in the dining room there they were.

Like they had waited for Easter morning to share their loveliness!

What a wonderful way to start an Easter morning!

They Came And Went To The Come And Go.

Nancy and Meredith hosted a little gathering at my house a few weeks ago. 

We had lots of  food including this yummy corn salsa Meredith created.

So delish!

Lots of good folks stopped by to say hello.

Including this handsome devil, Addison.

Meredith and Addison used to play together when they were in elementary school.

Lots of time for Great Auntie and Ezra snuggles.

And meeting new faces.

And spending time with second cousins!

What a wonderful day with friends.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Goofy Faces, Hugs and Laughs

When Meredith and Josh get together they have a lot of fun.

It usually involves funny pictures and laughter.

It's wonderful that they love each other so much.

Cousins are the best.