Here's a photo of the bed I scored for zero dollars last week at a garage sale. That's right zero.
You can't get a better price than free.
I wasn't sure if it was an antique like the little table I got for a mere $15 at the same garage sale.
But when I got it home I looked at the back this is what I saw:
You can barely see the red stamp.
See the big W and the I-L-L-E-T-T?
Yep, it's another piece of Willett furniture.
I haven't found a photo of this type of bed on-line, but I'm sure it's old. Like the little table. And sturdy.
I'm not really crazy about the style. A bit chunky for my liking, but it is solid maple.
I'll sand it down and then consider how to finish it.
Meanwhile, here's a photo of the little table so far.
Notice Jack had to photo bomb again.
I'm about a third of the way done with the sanding on this little cutie. I may just add a polyurethane finish to it. Not sure yet.
I hope to have an "after" post sometime soon. Unfortunately I have to go to work instead of re-finishing furniture all day.
Darn jobs...sigh.